Some information in compiling study plans

Free choice courses

In the second year, 9 credits of free-choice educational activities are envisaged, provided that they are consistent with the learning outcomes of the MSc in Finance programme.
All MSc level courses in the School of Economics and Management are automatically recognised as consistent, provided that they do not repeat content of courses already contained in the study plan of the student who chooses them.

Remark: These courses are planned for the second year, but can be taken in advance in the first year (for all or some of the 9 credits) if the student so wishes.

Cross-curricular courses

Among the 9 free-choice credits, students can also choose cross-curricular courses offered by other departments of the University of Siena (unfortunately so far only in Italian) and listed on the web page Insegnamenti trasversali.


By writing to, students can obtain guidance in compiling their study plan, either by arranging an appointment (in presence or distance mode) or by email.